Select the category that best describes the current condition of your:

Apple iPad Pro 11 2nd Gen (A2230) 128GB Cellular

Does your device power on:
Is your device fully functional
Good Condition

By selecting Good Condition you verify:

- Device is fully functional
- Shows signs of wear and tear
- Vew light scratches and minor marks on the screen or casing
- There are no cracks, scratches, chips or dents
- There are no missiong parts
- Is free from water damage
- Has not had unauthorised repairs (3rd party parts)

Poor Condition

By selecting Poor Condition you verify:

- Device is fully functional
- Shows medium to heavy signs of wear and tear
- Some deep scratches and marks on the screen or dents
- There are small cracks, sratches, chips or dents
- There are no missing parts
- Is free from water damage
- Has had unauthorised repair (3rd party parts)

Broken Condition

By selecting Broken Condition you verify:

- Shows heavy signs of wear and tear
- Major damage such as cracked glass (front or back), LCD burn, dents, bent housing
- There are missing parts or non-functional parts
- Has water damage
- Has had unauthorised repair (3rd party parts)